We had so much fun we’re doing it again!

The Common Sense HOLIDAY Cabaret
The 2nd ANNUAL Common Sense HOLIDAY Cabaret
Entertainment for the sake of entertainment!
WARNING: Your sides may split!
The Common Sense HOLIDAY Cabaret is a live variety show. It’s an entertaining mix of comedy and music with some improv and novelty acts thrown in.
Local celebrity has-been, (never was?), Joseph Common, hosts this entertaining evening supported by his extended family of entertainers including his brother, Little Joe, (Cory Wojcik) and Dorcas Darch (Tricia Cooper) of The infamous Darch Sisters. Joseph assures us that the jokes will be funny and the music will be good and there will be NO Artsy Fartsy BULLSH*T!
The Macho Poo-Poo Choir, Jelly B & The Kmart Shoppers and The Talentless Lumps are also scheduled to perform. There will be comedy videos from The Ken and Tim Channel and Tiny Plastic Men and Improv from The Stephen McIntyre Experience.
Music direction is by Süss. Our Stage Manager is Michelle Lagasse.
This year, guest performers will include; John B. Lowe, Cory Wojcik, Toby Hughes, Tricia Cooper, Matt Falk, Aileen Audette, Daina Leitold, Brenda McLean, Spenser Payne, Heather Russell, Alissa Watson, Scott Cranwill, Yanin Cranwill, Megan McArton, Melanie Whyte, Cara Lytwyn, Peter Nadolny-Moon, Ray Strachan, Jeff Strome, Heather Witherden, Wendy Burdon, Brad Friesen, Glen Hagen, Rick Skene, Violent Screech, Domo Lemoine, Katie Murphy, Stephen McIntyre, The Ken & Tim Channel, Leigh Anne Kehler and many more…
The show is at The Park Theatre Café, 689 Osborne St.
on Monday December 15th at 8:00pm
doors open at 7:30 because comedy is funnier after a beer or two…
Tickets are $15.00 and available online at
parktheatervideo.ticketfly.com or at the door
For more information go to:
www.broccolocreative.com www.parktheatrecafe.com
Media Contact: publicity@broccolocreative.com